My wife and I got to enjoy the championship game of the Maui Invitational between #13 Notre Dame (her favorite team, as she is Catholic) vs. #6 Wichita State. It was packed! I had the misfortune of sitting behind two Wichita State teenagers who felt compelled to stand the entire game and block my view. We politely asked them to sit but they kept standing. RUDE! Never like make one scene but I made sure to jab him hard with my kneecaps in-between his shoulder blades when he did sit down! haha Eventually he took the hint and moved to the side to stand in front of family to block their view. Got some shots of some familiar faces from the Old Lahaina Luau performing at halftime. Best of all, my wife got the last laugh on all the annoying/obnoxious Wichita State fans when Notre Dame overcame a double-digit deficit in the second half to win the game at the end. My wife was very excited! Hopefully my firm sponsors again next year - quite a field coming in.
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